Law of Attraction Ideas To Help Raise Your Vibration

Following up from my Law of Attraction Series, I’ve had some enquiries about where I got the stickers from that I use to ‘jazz up’ my Vision Boards and Review Books etc. I thought I’d add some of my favourites, with some links (no affiliation.. I wish! haha.. Note to self: I’ll have to add that to my Vision Board..paid links! ).

I had a trip to John Lewis Department Store recently and went slightly ‘mad’ and spent more than I should’ve in their Stationary Department. Is it just me or is there something about a ‘Stationary Department’ that sees all sense fly out of the window?

I popped ‘this and that’… ‘rather a lot’…. into my basket! I did go a little crazy until some ‘sense and reason’ kicked back in (slightly) and then I had to surreptitiously put a few items back on the shelf after I totted up the total cost….

This isn’t a ‘bargain price’ (unlike my clothing bargains as detailed on the LOA post previously.. ) although I can still profess to getting ‘more for less’ as my hubby works for John Lewis so I was able to use the ‘discount’.. phew!

The range of ‘inspirational stationary in John Lewis at the moment is fabulous and the lovely gold stickers and words, really do help me to feel ‘inspired’ so maybe they are worth every penny – an investment in my future .. who knows?

I admit.. this is a bit on the pricey side for some ‘stickers’ at £12.00 for the book… BUT… there really is something about the ‘rich gold’ that makes me ‘feel good’ when I add them to my Vision Board and the Law of Attraction is about ‘positive vibrations’ so in my view, these are worth that little bit of ‘extra investment’, as they definitely raise my vibration when I look at them.

Kikki.K have a fabulous range of inspiration journals, notebooks, quote cards and stickers ranging in price between £6 for the pack of Vision Board stickers, up to £21 for the Goal Journal. The Goal Journal sounds expensive but does include some great tips and daily activities to keep you ‘on track’… However, for me, I did add it to my basket and then put it back as I’m ‘banned’ from buying more notebooks due to the number of unused and varied bundle I already have!

In my view, although the Stickers, Tags and Inspiration sticker book is more expensive at £12, I think it’s better value than the ‘Vision Board Kit’ which cost £6, as there were only around 10 little cards in the Vision board Kit and to be honest, weren’t nearly as inspiring as the stickers in the £12 book. Although I purchased the Vision Board pack of cards at £6.00, I was disappointed with the contents when I got home and wouldn’t recommend them..

If you’re going to invest in something to jazz up your Vision Board, I’d recommend that you make it the Kikki.K Sticker Book which although more expensive, is much better value and really easy to use – no glue required!

There were several ranges at John Lewis that took my fancy:

The Kikki.K range was still my favourite though!

I’ve also made some great purchases in some of the UK big supermarkets including Tesco and Sainsbury’s recently as they have some great ranges of notebooks, files and folders which are great for use as Evidence Books Law Of Attraction Part 2: How To Evidence Your Success.

In the pictures below, I love the notebook I’m holding which is a small A6 size with gorgeous ‘gold edged’ pages and it’s covered with a beautiful ‘fabric feel’ cover. Something about this notebook sings luxury to me and yet it was only £3.00 a couple of months ago from Tesco.. This makes a great little ‘bedside table’ journal for noting down all my Law of Attraction ideas and successes..

Below is a section of the range currently on offer in Sainsbury’s. These notebooks start at just £1.50 for a small notebook up to £6.00 for the A4 size and again, they look really appealing and make great ‘evidence journals’..



If you don’t want to spend £12 on the Kikki.K stickers from John Lewis,  there are some great stickers around that you can use to ‘jazz’ up your board and evidence books which are great value and even using the Gold and Silver Sharpie Pens to add your own ‘glitzy’ quotes works really well.

I came across these from Sainsbury’s which would work well and were just £1.50. I also love ‘boxes’ and have done since being a young child. I love to keep my Vision Board ‘bits & bobs’ together in an appealing ‘box’ and these are lovely from Sainsbury’s starting at just £4.00


What About Holding A Vision Board Party?

Ellieblue commented on my Law of Attraction Post, that she is holding a Vision Board Party this weekend where a group of friends get together each Spring to refresh their Vision Boards together.

What a BRILLIANT idea and I came across this little pack on Etsy which would be perfect if anybody else wants to start a new Vision Board Party club.. I think I’m going to copy that idea myself and have a ‘family Vision Board Party’!

Vision Board Party Package

Vision Boarding is all about ‘Raising Vibrations’, so the idea of a few people getting together to spend time inspiring each other “Eat, Create, Motivate”….whilst creating their Vision Boards, seems perfect!

What do you think? Please leave me a comment, I’d love to know your thoughts… 













24 thoughts on “Law of Attraction Ideas To Help Raise Your Vibration

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  1. Fortunately I’m in France which means I can’t go mad in John Lewis…. unfortunately I’m in France which means I CAN go mad at one of the many delectable little stores I the town that seem to ooze pretty stationary and notebooks and things that will pretty up my board a treat. 😉xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oops.. sorry Osyth.. but Ohhh – sounds like my idea of HEAVEN! Enjoy prettying up your board. I’m off to a training course for the next few days so will be out of contact until next week xxx

      Liked by 1 person

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