It’s Never Too Late.. Are You Sticking Or Twisting?

In the Game Of Life – are you ‘sticking’ or ‘twisting’?

Sometimes we stick with the ‘status quo’ because we think it’s ‘too late’ to do something different. Maybe we think “I’m too old” “I should’ve done …. when I left College/University” “I can’t change my job I’ve been doing it too long” “I’ve invested too much to stop doing it now”  “My family wouldn’t be happy if I left to…..” “I’m not happy in this relationship but we’ve been together too long for me to leave…” etc…

Maybe we feel obliged to continue doing something we aren’t happy with because we feel obliged or feel that we would be letting someone else down.

I’ve certainly felt those sort of things in the past and stuck doing things for too long. We once had our own Upholstery business. My husband was a brilliant craftsman but we were competing with large stores like DFS who offered 4 years interest free credit. Society had changed – people no longer wanted ‘long lasting furniture’, we were competing with the ‘throw away’ society too..

However, having invested so much time and capital into the business, it felt like we should carry on…. flogging the dead horse.. We felt ‘obligated’ to continue and ‘feared’ about what we would do if we gave it up…

In the end, we did close down the business, we lost our capital investment… We had held on for too long to something we needed to let go of, because we feared it was ‘too late to start all over again from scratch’…

It wasn’t, we were wrong…  it was possible to start over and life improved as a result, once we simply ‘let go’… We felt the ‘fear’ and ‘did it anyway’ and we learned some important lessons in our Game of Life… 

Sometimes, we have to take a ‘gamble’ and ask for a new card, when those around us may tell us to ‘stick’…

Life continues and there are always options and opportunities to be discovered along our journey through life in our search for the Ace in our pack…


Don’t get ‘stuck in a rut’ or give up on leading the life you dream of because you feel it’s too late – it never is!

Recently, I’ve made a significant change in my life. I no longer feel that sense of ‘obligation’ or of doing things because ‘I feel I should’… I’ve taken a leap of faith and boy does it feel good!

Life is too short to be stuck doing the things you don’t enjoy or don’t make you happy.. Sometimes we simply need to ‘twist’ and ask for a different card!

You’ll be surprised at the opportunities that suddenly appear when the door is ‘closed’ behind you.. A new door always opens.. There’s always another game to be played even when we may feel we’ve ‘lost it all’..

 It really is never too late to live life in alignment with our beliefs, our values and our hearts desire…



36 thoughts on “It’s Never Too Late.. Are You Sticking Or Twisting?

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  1. What you say is very true Wendy, although I never thought I’d be so happy for one door closing and another opening. At the time I just didn’t want to hear it but I’m going great now! Thanks for the post 🙂

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  2. Wonderfully inspiring post Wendy and very true. We only get one shot at this life and it’s never too late to go after our dreams. I think both you and I are discovering just how powerful that pack of cards can be when we throw our deck in the air, let go and trust in the process. Big hugs to you my friend xo

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    1. We truly are Miriam!! I’m not sure the cards are having time to land.. haha.. You’re so right we’re going for it in our ‘one shot’…. Hope you’re going to have a brilliant day! I’m on a dash – I’ve been out all day at my nieces having my eyebrows microbladed… looking good – this was the top up session.. Now I’m going to quickly change and then out for tea with an old friend from my ‘ex work’… xx

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  3. Lovely post with a message pertinent to us all. So often we know we need to change our path in life but fear stops us dead in our tracks – just as you describe with your furniture business. Your words are inspiring and provide a lot of thought and consideration to one’s position in life now and how to best change.

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  4. I think it’s really important for people to understand that it’s never too late to do something they want. Even if it gets them out of their comfort zone and they might also fail still…… it’s worth the try for a better and happier life 🙂

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  5. Oh boy oh boy oh boy….so much truth to this. Why are we so afraid of change and the unknown? I have to make the same move myself, as we have spoken of before. I just keep having obstacles thrown at me that keep me from making the move I want to. Perhaps its the Universe giving me time to plan. I’d better listen! Very wise words Wendy. xo

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      1. I am on a path now that my heart and feelings lead the way. I find for me that it works best and I feel best about my decisions when doing that. But then you already know that, thanks Wendy. xo

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        1. Wow – that’s brilliant Deb…. listening to our hearts is definitely the way.. I spent too long putting my ear muffs on why I heard those whispers.. it led to stress – yep heart is best! xx

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    1. You’re very welcome and I’m glad you enjoyed the read.. Thanks for popping over and commenting which is very much appreciated xx


    1. The key really is to ‘listen to your heart’ and remember that no matter what you choose now, you’re not stuck with it…you can change path again whenever you choose.. I wish you happiness in your choice xx

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