Life Has Thrown A Gigantic Lemon.. It’s Being Thrown Right Back!!!

This is a tough post to write…

My beautiful daughter in law Jenny has been thrown another gigantic LEMON in life and yet somehow she keeps smiling. I’m so proud of her and love her deeply. She is beautiful, creative and an amazing mother to her two special daughters and is my son’s soul mate. She has a great sense of humour, is very bubbly and is full of the lemony zest for life!


Tragically, Jens mum died of breast cancer when Jenny was only 13 and now she has recently found out that she has inherited the BRCA gene (breast cancer gene), which means she has an 80% chance of getting breast cancer herself…


It’s a pretty sour lemon that’s been thrown and thank goodness that Jenny is a beautiful, strong and amazing young woman and has chosen to look on this in the best possible way… She’s choosing LIFE as her option and has decided that the only way forward is to have a double mastectomy, which reduces her risk of getting breast cancer to less than 5%!

As Jenny says “This way, I can be here for my girls – my mum didn’t have that opportunity…”. I’m astounded at her bravery and the courageous way she is dealing with this… 

Her operation is scheduled for the 26th October…. and rather than squeezing the ‘lemon’ in somebodies eye, this will be the day that she THROWS THE LEMON STRAIGHT BACK TO WHERE IT CAME FROM!!


Here in the UK we often criticise the National Health Service, but for Jenny and our family, they have come up trumps and we are so grateful that this opportunity to chuck the lemon back, by having a mastectomy, is available! For many other women around the world this would never be option….

We are incredibly lucky here in the UK and we should fight hard to ensure we never lose this wonderful institution!

The testing, treatment and options that have been provided by the NHS have been exceptional and gives us hope that the procedure will go well… although I’ll still be sending a prayer to the Angels for their help too!

It’s important also, to highlight the amazing advancement in Cancer treatment which has been made possible through the ground breaking research. Without  the research, the BRCA genes would not have been identified and the chances of getting breast cancer would have remained very high for Jenny.


So if you are able, please continue to support the research into Cancer and help to enable more people to chuck their life lemons straight back, as this research is truly Life Saving!



Although Jenny will hopefully have reconstructive surgery, there are many more considerations and complications, that could arise, than would be the case if this was a cosmetic boob job’… We are keeping our fingers firmly crossed, that the operation next week and Jen’s recovery go the BEST THEY POSSIBLY CAN…

There is no doubt that the next few weeks and months are going to be tough for my family and yet there is a light of hope shining brightly at the end of this tunnel, which Jenny’s mum never had…

As the sun sets on each day of my life, I count my blessings and remember how precious and yet unpredictable life really is.


We can never know what each new dawn will bring, so enjoy this very moment… it can’t ever be repeated!

This has been a year of sour life lemons for some of my family and close friends and I add this photograph below to illustrate how quickly life can change… This was taken less than 2 years ago at Jen’s Hen Party…


How life has changed for the 2 beautiful ladies either side of me… Jenny’s beautiful best friend Kirsty would normally have been Jen’s rock (Kirsty in the blue dress, Jenny in cream). Tragically, Kirsty suffered a major stroke earlier this year and is currently fighting her own battle with life… I add this to the post to highlight the importance of living and enjoying every moment because every breath you take is a miracle and life can change in an instant..

Personally, I will be forever grateful to the NHS and the Cancer Researchers who have given Jenny this amazing opportunity, to continue living life to the full and to be the amazing mum she is to my beautiful granddaughters, an amazing wife to my son and the best daughter in law I could wish for!

I know Jen’s mum will be watching over her precious daughter with immense pride, from her magical moonbeam…

I’m sure you will understand that my posts and comments will be less frequent over the next few weeks, as I step back to help my beautiful family through this cloudy time in their lives until they are all smiling once more!








87 thoughts on “Life Has Thrown A Gigantic Lemon.. It’s Being Thrown Right Back!!!

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    1. Thanks so much Barbara – I really appreciate your blessings!! I know – she is so so brave and always keeps smiling when inside she must be terrified… She really has the most positive way of thinking about it which I think comes from losing her mum… This is life changing but is life creating too… She will have peace of mind! xx


    1. Thanks Samantha and I genuinely appreciate your thoughts and prayers.. Jenny is SO brave and really thinks about this as giving her peace of mind – I think having lost her mum she’s always been worried .. Once the op is done, she has less of a risk of breast cancer than the rest of the population.. I’m just praying the op and the reconstruction go well! xx

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          1. I’m glad to hear that, my mother was a nurse, as was her mother and her mother before her too…I broke with family tradition..blood phobia lol!

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          2. You definitely need some ‘hypnotherapy’- haha.. Nurses in the day of your mum and grandmother were incredibly strong ladies as it truly was about ‘care’ and ‘nursing’ with very little technology to help.. You may be phobic but I think you have their caring qualities… which I appreciate! xx

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          3. You’ ll have to catch me first..!! Will Jenny be going to Manchester Royal Infirmary…is that still there? They were lovely to me when I had to go in :)x

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          4. I was a good runner at school – I’ll be back in training! MRI is still there – it’s been expanded massively. Jenny is going to Wythenshawe Hospital for this procedure though – she had a choice and researched where the ‘best’ surgeon was which is Wythenshawe for how she wants it doing….. So you’ve been to Manchester then – You see I may catch you yet! x

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          5. Good, I’m pleased Jenny had the option 🙂
            And yes…I remember Manchester pretty well, I was a student there for a little while!

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        1. You’re right… it’s a ‘no brainer’ really.. still very brave though! Technology eh!.. haha.. At least we can all still smile amongst a few tears.. xx


    1. Thanks so much Brooke I genuinely appreciate your kind words.. We are so lucky that we are a very close family and can support Jen through these coming difficult days and weeks.. She is SO positive though – such a beautiful lady inside and out! x


    1. Thanks Zoey.. Scary but positive hopefully at the same time as if they didn’t do the ‘gene’ test, I can’t imagine what would have happened… Thanks so much for your love and support which is very much appreciated! xx

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  1. Cancer is a terrible disease but early discovery gives the person a good chance to survive. My wife, daughter and others are scanned once a year which everyone should do I think

    I also think men over 50 should take psa test since prostata cancer also can be in your genes. I got it but in an early stage so I have got rid of it and live a perfectly normal life

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. You’re absolutely right – the advancement in testing is truly bringing life back for people who may not otherwise have survived. We’re very lucky that this treatment is available as Jenny has not contracted cancer and will massively decrease her high risk by having this operation. We are very fortunate.. it’s a big deal for a woman but in this case potentially life saving and will help her avoid the devastating impact actually having cancer can have… as she experienced very sadly with her own mum! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and share your positive experience with us.. xx

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  2. Things just stop one in ones tracks from time to time. YOur post just stopped me in mine. LIfe does give us lemons but your Jenny is the stuff of real inspiration. May her life be long and filled with joy and content as she watches her little girls grow into strong women who I hope with all my heart will be free of the threat of Breast Cancer when the time comes. I also extend the warmest thoughts to her friend battling after a stroke. I think we all have stories about people who have had the lemon chucked at them but I choose to let your own stars shine here because they truly deserve to. Namaste 🙏🏼

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    1. Thank you so much Osyth.. your words are both a comfort and beautiful! Our stars will continue to shine bright behind this cloud.. Once the operation is over we hope the cloud will once again blow away.. We’re continuing our prayers for Kirsty though as her cloud will be around for a while longer… Jenny is an inspiration to us all… Namaste my friend! xx

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  3. Dear Wendy – thanks so much for sharing. I am not religious yet I firmly believe in the power of prayer, good wishes of others. Am sending light & love to you, Jenny, & Kristy. If it helps to bolster any of you, I had breast cancer in 2007. Therapies were not so bad for me. Of course, everyone is different. The worst was abject fear. Fortunately, am now healthy, body & soul.

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    1. Thanks for your light, love and prayers Daal – it actually does mean a lot and although I don’t follow a ‘religion’, I also believe in the power of prayer! We are fortunate that Jenny has had the tests which have identified her ‘risk’ and the mastectomy is ‘preventative’.. A big step to take but worth ‘life’.. Thankyou for sharing your experience of cancer too and I’m so pleased you are now recovered from it… I’m sure it’s made you appreciate the little things in life! Thanks for your kindness! xx

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    1. Thanks Jacqueline I really appreciate your kind words and you’re right – thank goodness we are part of a lovely large family and we can support each other. Blessings returned with love! x


  4. This must be a very tough time for your family ❤️ I’ve worked with breast cancer patients for a long time and all I can tell you is to keep strong and be positive. She has to be mentally strong to fight this. Double mastectomy is a good option to avoid getting the cancer. Chemo might be tough but it’s only for a period of time- once it’s done she will feel healthy again. As for her physical appearance, there are so many options now such as wearing breast prosthesis and eventually having a reconstructive surgery. She can also join a support group after her surgery to help her deal with all the new emotions she’s feeling… I wish her all the best and wish your family a lot of courage. May god help you all during this tough time ❤️

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    1. Thank you so much.. Jen is so brave and strong… She will hopefully be having the mastectomy and the reconstruction together on Wednesday – fingers xx. This option is only available as a ‘preventative’ treatment if everything is ok when they do the op.. so we are all fingers xx. You have an incredibly valuable job – I’m sure you have provided amazing comfort to those patients you have worked with. Thank you for your support and blessings! Very much appreciated xx


  5. Wendy, I’ve just finished reading this post. Jenny is so brave, this read was bitter sweet, I’m so glad that Jenny has a positive attitude throughout her journey. I send you, your family and especially Jenny my love and prayers. She’s a bad ass with a beautiful story to tell, I can’t wait to hear how she’s doing after the 26th! ❤

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    1. Thanks Adriana – You’re right she has an amazing attitude and I’ll be sure to let you know how she’s doing.. Your love and prayers are VERY much appreciated! xx


  6. What an amazing, courageous and absolutely beautiful person she is and her dear friend as well! Calling all angels to watch over and protect you all! Your loving, resilient spirit will carry you all through! xx

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    1. Thanks so much – it’s definitely been a tough old week but all is looking much brighter. Jen is home and is so inspiring with how she is dealing with this it’s amazing! I hope you’ve had a brilliant week and good to hear from you! xx

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  7. Hope all goes well with your daughter in law! Strength comes in strange ways. We had a LEMON thrown at us 3 years ago when my granddaughter was diagnosed Leaukimea when she was only 18 months old. My daughter then 34 yrs had immense courage to pull through the dark clouds. So keep the strength and faith going

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    1. Oh gosh – I simply can’t imagine how you get through that with someone so young… We are SO lucky that the surgery Jen has had is ‘preventative’ and so far she is starting to heal and recover amazingly well.. How is your granddaughter? It’s times like these that we realise the importance of our families and good friends! I send Angel blessings to you and your family… xxx


    1. Thanks Sally that’s really lovely and very much appreciated! Jen is doing amazingly well which is fantastic although obviously she’s a way to go with her recovery yet… so far so good! Kirsty is such a beautiful young woman inside and out and is battling hard… She has a major operation scheduled for 2 weeks so we’re all holding out breath for a successful outcome… She’s another tough cookie and both are truly inspirational.. Thanks so much for your support xx

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  8. Hey Wend’ > What a terrible run you and your loved one’s are on. Its been a while since you posted this so I wonder how Jenny and Kirsty are both doing? Has Jen had the op yet and if so how are things going with Christmas coming and all. My family has a history of stokes. I take soluble aspirins every other month as my dad died from a double stroke. Last July I lost my best mate and cuz which has devastated our family. They dont know why but for sure he had a clot which they couldn’t remove. To overcome a stroke takes remarkable resolve. How is Kirsty doing on that front? Thoughts go out to you Wend but I get strong sense that you and your family are a really positive bunch as well. X

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    1. Thanks Andy… I really appreciate your concern! Jen has been quite unbelievable throughout – she’s taught us all something about being strong and positive… she’s kept a smile on her face the whole time. The op went as well as it could and now she’s back home and being well looked after – We are lucky that we live close by so I’ve been able to have the girls staying with me a lot and Daryl (my son) has been brilliant and is taking really good care of her. It’s funny how big things like this can really pull people together or push them apart and I think we’re fortunate that we’ve all pulled together. So on the Jen front it’s going well… Hopefully she’ll end up with the ‘best boobs’ in the family – fingers xx… Kirsty – puts everything in life in perspective… bless her she keeps fighting through but it’s one step forward and two steps back at the moment.. They tried to operate 2 weeks ago but had to give up and review other options. She’s now waiting for a further operation in which they are going to glue the area inside the brain rather than remove it as it’s too deep… Likely to be within the next couple of weeks… She is such a beautiful girl – inside and out… How life can change in an instant and therefore so important to enjoy ‘the moment’ … Fingers xx and definitely prayers (and I’ve never been one to go to church..).. I’m so sorry about your best mate and cuz… I can’t imagine how devastating this is for you and your family…. SO so sad to lose love ones when they are young… So my thoughts to you too Andy my friend… xxx

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      1. Cheers Wendy > Yes things like this split your friends down the middle. Some run for cover and some run to your doorstep as fast as possible. You guys seem well tight. Nice one on that. XXX back to you mate

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  9. I am sorry I have not been around last month to see this. Hope everything went well ? I too have an issue like this but my mother passed away in her 70’s. But through prayers I have faith and I keep away from this topic fully. I do support for charities and donate but I have full faith in staying in good health. You might check up on my article of, “The Power of Prayers” if you have not read it so far. I pray daily and keep all of you and her in my prayers. Many Blessings of Love, Light and Healing Energies from me 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your well wishes.. We have definitely all being praying for both Jen and her best friend Kirsty.. Thank you for including them in your prayers too which is very much appreciated! I send Angel Blessings to you and wish you excellent health continued! x


    1. Absolutely Lena – she is one incredibly strong and brave woman.. who I love deeply – and the good news is ‘so far so good’ .. she is recovering amazingly from her operation so every day is a great day at the moment in her step by step recovery.. xx

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    1. Thanks Lorrie – I know that ‘catch up’ feeling.. and thanks for taking time to go back and have a read – much appreciated! I’m very glad to say that Jenny has come through the surgery really well and is now recovering. It’s going to be a fairly slow process but she’s moving along brilliantly and nearly always with a smile on her face! She is one very brave and adorable person.. Thanks for asking about her! x


        1. Ahhh – thanks Lorrie – I REALLY appreciate that and will pass on your message to her.. she is a special lady and I’m lucky to have her in my life and a wonderful mum to my granddaughters! x

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  10. I wish her well, this must have been such a hard decision for her. It will be good for her to have you around. I understand: we are on the brink of flying to the U.S. to help out my sister-in-law who is about to have one of her breasts removed. She has had her fair share of lemons too.

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    1. Gosh – thanks Joelle and you are right – it was a big step to take but without it her risk of getting cancer was 80% which sort of made the decision more straight forward.. almost no choice really.. She is so brave though and is recovering well from the surgery which is such a relief.. She has a way to go and also has to face having a hysterectomy in the future too. She is so Brave!! I’m so sorry to hear of your sister in law.. it certainly sounds like she has been thrown a very hard lemon indeed and I truly wish her the very best treatment and recovery… I send Angel Blessings to you all as this will be a difficult time for you all and thank goodness she has you all there to support her! Much love xx

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  11. Loving that quote! I was thrown a lemon when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in August at 22 years old. I squeezed those lemons in cancers face and pushed through those treatments and am now cancer free!!!! Sending positive vibes for you and your family and wishing all the best for your daughter in law!

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    1. Wow – how spectacular and how amazing to be so strong at such an early stage in your life. I think this shows that your destined to have an amazing life!! Thank you for your lovely words which I will pass on to Jenny.. I wish you the very best in your life! xxx


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