Wicked Wendy Wednesday…

I must’ve woken up on the wrong side of bed today because I feel like being a bit WICKED this sunny Wednesday and asking some questions that may discomfort you.. So I’m calling today Wicked Wendy Wednesday…..

We all have our own perception of what is ‘true’. This includes the way we think about our lives and what ‘truths’ we believe about ourselves and others.

So here’s the question for Wicked Wendy Wednesday:



Challenge: WHAT DO YOU SEE WHEN YOU LOOK AT THIS PICTURE? …..Now take a second ‘closer’ look and tell me what you see…..

(scroll down to the end of the post for the answer..)

I use this picture (and there are other similar ones on the internet) to highlight to my hypnotherapy clients that what they ‘believe’ (most often about themselves), may not be true and that as a result of their ‘belief’ about what they can/can’t do or about a situation or person in their life and as a result, they are creating problems for themselves which may be much easier to overcome than they ‘believe’. They think something is ‘impossible’ and may have developed phobias, anxiety, panic attacks etc. as a result of this way of thinking..

When we look at something, we see what our mind ‘interprets’ as the ‘truth’ in an attempt to help us and sometimes our mind ‘gets it wrong’ – SHOCK, HORROR

Could it be that you’ve been looking at yourself or others in a particular way, when in fact reality is something very different?

Maybe you hear the ‘negative committee’ in your head telling you:

“I’m rubbish at….”    “I can’t because…..”     “They are so horrible….”  “I have to do that because… I need the money… They’d be upset/angry if I don’t…. ”    etc..

And as a result of what you are thinking, you are putting up the prison walls, the barriers that hold you back from leading the life you dream of?

Have you developed some ‘beliefs’ – things you think are true and which influence how you behave toward yourself and others, which may possibly be WRONG?

Our mind interprets situations, images, words based on our beliefs and what we have learned over the years. The mind helps us to process information based on previous events/learning and thus come up with a similar ‘solution’ to a problem etc. Whilst our brain is trying to help us, in some cases it supports mis-interpretation of events and perpetuates incorrect beliefs.

Many of our deep rooted beliefs were created during childhood when we didn’t always know how to deal with situations therefore the choices we made then weren’t necessarily the best choices.

As adults we need to challenge those beliefs, change the voice in our head and look at things from a different angle. Sometimes we come up with the same answer and often we suddenly see that there is an alternative way of looking at something which may give a better outcome.

Is it time to challenge some of your ‘beliefs’ and break out of the ‘prison’ you have created for yourself?

If there is a situation, a feeling you get about yourself or your life etc. that’s a sign that maybe you need to take a ‘closer look’ and put your shoe on a different foot so you can see the picture from a different angle. If all else fails, take a peep at this post where you can learn what to tell that negative committee in your head! https://brilliancewithin.com/2016/06/08/the-negative-committee-in-your-head/

Well I told you I was feeling WICKED! – You see for me that means ‘being a bit mean’ but for some who read this post, they may interpret WICKED as ‘AWESOME’ – I hope so! x

Oh yes… I nearly forgot:

ANSWER to the ‘Mystery in the picture’: – What did you see? – Did you see the parrot? It looks like a parrot but now take a closer look….


If you only saw the parrot when you initially looked at the picture (which is what the majority of us see), this shows how our brain is interpreting the clues but in this case adding the 2+2 and getting the answer as 5….. The brain ‘got it wrong’ and sometimes it’s a struggle to change the ‘angle’ and find the ‘truth’ about what is really happening…

Can you see the lady who has been ‘body painted’ to look like a parrot?

If you’re really struggling to see the ‘lady’ – start with the end of what looks like the parrot’s tail and see the ‘blue foot’ then work up the body to the arm wrapped around her head to look like a beak..

Maybe you’ve been wrong about something in your life and changing your belief could open up a whole new world for you to explore! Good Luck…

Change how you think and DISCOVER FREEDOM…







27 thoughts on “Wicked Wendy Wednesday…

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  1. Amen and bravo! I am at work in this area right now. In fact just this morning as I was walking down the stairs I was saying to myself, “Maybe I don’t need to be the person I used to be. I need to be who I am now.” I think I have this weird voice inside that always tells me I USED to be better than I am now. It’s not true. Just an old tape trying to play over and over! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Fantastic Alexis – all you have to do is wipe the recording on the tape and start all over again just as you would like.. You’re so right – you’re in control of what your own head is telling you.. Good Luck! x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Damyanti – I really appreciate it and glad you found it timely too! Have a great day – you’re right we need to open our hearts and minds to new possibilities. x


    1. I wish I could add a credit for the artist – how amazing! Thanks for reading and glad you found the lady in the end! Much appreciated Larry! x


  2. Thank you for the Interesting post. I did spot the lady but only because I knew to look for something different in the photo of a parrot. It was her elbow that gave it away for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fabulous – just shows how our brain interprets what we see based on previous knowledge.. How clever is the artist though – I wish I could put up an acknowledgement for them.. Thanks for reading and commenting – much appreciated! Have a great day Barbara! x


  3. Thought provoking. I saw the parrot straight away but when prompted I also saw the lady fairly clearly but I had to really concentrate. The brain and our mind is fascinating isn’t it? Wonderful post Wendy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We truly are fascinating creatures living in a miraculous world.. if we choose to look at it that way… (I don’t always manage it! – maybe that’s part of being human too..) Have a lovely week Miriam! x

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