Let the world see the real you!

Botox face

A poem which challenges the increasing use of Botox – Think twice!

Let the world see you….

As I stand lonely in the crowd and look around,

I realise sadly that few real faces can be found.

I’m surrounded by plaster smooth, plumped up faces

and where once some emotion now just empty spaces.

With bulging mouths growing increasingly macabre

It seems they hide their life behind an emotionless facade.


And I realise that I am standing alone,

With the lines on my face and my occasional frown,

And then they turn to point and stare at me,

I’m the freak now and it’s sad they can’t see,

That to pump their faces full of poison,

leaving their expressions cold and frozen,

Won’t bring them real happiness and joy,

Because it’s all a greedy ploy.


It’s the lie of the media moguls and those who profit,

From cloning those faces and making a packet.

So stop hiding behind botoxed foreheads, filled lines and fat lips

And don’t worry about those few extra pounds on your hips.

Life isn’t about being the airbrushed stars on Big Brother.

It’s about seeing sadness and joy, loving yourself and each other.

So show who you are and move away from the crowd,

reveal your true beauty – let the creases stay and be proud.


Let emotions creep onto your face and don’t lie,

allow the beauty of laughter lines to crinkle side your eyes,

Release those hidden frowns that you smother,

and stop hiding your life behind that smooth face forever.

Let those around see who you really are,

Don’t let your face keep them distant and far,

Share your life with those you may not know,

So they understand who you are through those lines that show.


I realise that I tread an increasingly lonely path,

Surrounded by faces that find it hard to laugh,

But I’m happy that the mirror still reflects

my smile, frown and wrinkles showing personality in tact,

As I continue my journey to stand out from the crowd,

And growing older and wiser I’ll stand true and proud,

of the character lines on my face,

as I’m lucky to be in a rare and great place.


I no longer fear showing my emotion,

My feelings aren’t hidden by any poisonous potion,

and if you only knew it too

that your beauty can shine through

and that your road to happiness, is to let people in

and reveal your inner brilliance cos it’s really no sin,

and know as I do that true beauty’s not skin deep

and who really cares if a few lines appear as you sleep,

so throw away the poison into the bin

And let your true beauty shine from deep within.


Wendy Hodgson Feb 2015

18 thoughts on “Let the world see the real you!

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    1. As I’m new to blogging, this is the first comment I’ve received on any of my posts so I really appreciate it and am so excited to have received your feedback – thankyou! I’m glad you liked my poem – it’s amazing to think that through my new blog I’ve been able to share my thoughts across the world – wow…

      Liked by 1 person

  1. “let the creases stay and be proud.”
    Thank you for this poem, Wendy. You mention the lies in the media, I couldn’t agree more!
    If you want to see “real faces” come to our place: we live in a village (1,200 inhabitants) in the center of France. As of now, Botox is only on TV and in magazines 😊!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Joelle – How lovely to meet you and thanks for visiting my site. I’m sure that your village is a wonderful place and full of genuine character! It’s so sad to see how many really young people who are only in their teens and 20’s are turning to botox at the very first hint of a line and in many cases nothing at all. Thank goodness it hasn’t arrived in your village which sounds like a lovely place to live! Have a brilliant day! xx


  2. I love this poem. I totally agree with you.
    It brings to mind a line from a Ben Johnson poem that I’ve always liked
    ‘give me a look, give me a face that makes simplicity a grace’
    Think he was writing back in the early 1600’s. The technology has changed a lot since then. I’m sure he’d be horrified by botox!

    Liked by 1 person

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