How to be an Irresponsible Dog Owner.. oops!

I awoke this morning and the sun was shining and the sky was blue. It was one of those mornings when I was reminded how lucky I am and how much I have to be grateful for and to look forward to… The day was too nice to stay inside so we decided a family trip out to the hills for a walk followed by a tasty pub lunch, was the order of the day. I mean – what could be better on a beautiful sunny autumnal Sunday in October than to take a trip into nearby Derbyshire and enjoy some quality family time…

Another Happy Day creating Happy Memories… and it all started so well….

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And then came the ‘OOPs’ moment….

Our youngest granddaughter hasn’t been well this week and as we got halfway up the hill, she decided she’d ‘had enough’ … tears…


So Nanny and Grandy aka me and hubby, set off with our youngest back down the hill, while the rest of the family continued their ‘climb to the summit’.. determined to ‘reach the peak’.. (well that’s a slight exageration – more like a mound..). To be honest I jumped at the  excuse to walk ‘down’ rather than ‘up’ the hill.. I know – lazy!)

So picture the scene.. Hubby with little one on shoulders and I with Dolly (dog) on lead, ambled along at a relaxing pace, through the fields, with the sheep grazing in the distance, toward the pub, which was waiting temptingly at the bottom of the hill, with a welcome cold beer!

My thoughts were happy…..

“What could be nicer”     “Ahh – how lovely.. how lucky I am…”       “Ahhh – look at Dolly trotting along and enjoying a walk, in this lovely, clean, fresh air, with the sun shining down….”


We came to the end of one field and I opened the gate, to let Bryan through with our youngest granddaughter still up on his shoulders.

All I had to do was to close the gate behind us..

I paused for a moment to survey the idyllic scene – some of my family climbing up the hill to one side and hubby meandering down the hill on the other..

I was lost in the moment, enjoying ‘the now’ and in that beautiful moment, I wasn’t worried when I accidentally dropped Dolly’s lead as I closed the gate..   I mean to say…. How Cute?


I bet you’re thinking the same aren’t you?…..

and after 8 years I thought I knew my dog.. Yep no worries…..

wrong, Wrong… WRONG!!!

I hadn’t noticed that in the field we’d just entered, there was a small herd of young cows (or possibly bullocks)… some munching on the green green Derbyshire grass and some enjoying a little afternoon nap…

Unfortunately though and here’s the ‘OOP’s moment, DOLLY DID NOTICE THEM!!! … all 15-20 of them… enjoying the warmth of the sun beating down and not a care in the world at the top end of the field up a steep incline…


(photo courtesy of google images..)

My ‘belief’ in Dolly’s innocent little face and chubby body was about to be turned on it’s head… Yep, it was like that moment in The Gremlins when they ‘eat after midnight’….

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‘Butter Wouldn’t Melt in My Mouth’ Dolly was suddenly transformed into a ferocious and very fast monster and was off like an out of control racehorse, with her ‘cute pink lead’ flying freely behind her.

“BRYANnnnnnnn Quick… DOLLLLLLYYYYYYYY…” I shouted VERY LOUDLY!!!! Bryan swung back round and horror crossed his face as he saw ‘the monster’ hurtling rapidly across the field. Our youngest was ploncked ungraciously, back from the heady heights (well not really very high) of Hubby’s shoulders, down to the cow pat filled field…

and then Bryan transformed ….


into a SUPERHERO…. he was running like a whippet (well not quite a whippet – he blamed his heavy boots..), across that field, chasing after the pink lead attached to a ‘monster’….

Too Late.. Too Slow (not for the want of trying) and then….

Cows alerted by the commotion in the field, jumped to their feet and started to ‘stampede’ away from the monster.. but even the cows were no match for monster Dolly.. she was in amongst them ‘nipping’ at their poor little toes… and the Cows were ‘kicking back’ in retaliation – YIKES..

Have you ever experienced a situation where everything suddenly goes into slow motion? – This was that moment, I had visions of Dolly being kicked, hurled through the air and then squashed flat (tricky with her little barrel belly – although she does look a bit slimmer after her exercise today…)!

But my Superhero continued to ‘fly’ up that hill, arms flailing…… head wobbling……. braving the stampede.. Then a big sigh of relief in that heart stopping moment… PHEW – He managed to grab the end of that cute pink lead… and drag the ‘gnashing monster’ away… Much to her disgust!

I couldn’t help notice that there seemed to be a pale ‘ghost like’ quality to the Superhero’s face as he pulled the monster back down the field….

Post Incident Note for all animal lovers….

Fortunately neither cows, dog nor hubby were injured.. (Well the cows and Bryan’s pride were both a bit hurt, but Dolly continued to ‘strut her stuff’, feeling very proud of herself) and when I looked back up the field, the cows were back to their ‘happy munching’…

I know I shouldn’t have laughed (but I secretly did) and I don’t think I’ll ever dare to admit that I dropped the lead (yes I admit it to you my blogging friends.. I ‘white lied’ and told him she’d yanked herself free)….. YIKES…

So there you have it and I admit it – Today, I became an irresponsible dog owner! City girl meets Countryside.. wasn’t a good combination…

Thank goodness the farmer wasn’t around!

I couldn’t help wish I’d had the foresight to switch on my video camera, to capture the ‘carnage’ (before you report me to the RSPCA, there was no blood…), in that field, for posterity and obviously for my blog (not that I’m blog obsessed or anything..) so I’m sorry, on this occasion, you’re just going to have to use your imagination instead..

But there’s always a silver lining.. My youngest granddaughter was cheered up no end – she thought it all looked very amusing and it put a smile back on her face for the rest of the afternoon….

Anyway – all’s well that ends well!

There was a lovely Sunday Lunch waiting for us when we arrived back in the village of Coombs (Derbyshire) at the Beehive Pub and needless to say I treated Superhero hubby to a pint, to help him recover from the shock!

The morale of the story is…

  • You can take the girl out of the City but you can’t take the City out of the Girl

and more importantly….


As for Dolly – as you can see, she is still in the bad books and I’m sending her to bed without any tea!!!



…well… maybe just a little bit then, who can resist those ‘innocent eyes’ and all that running has tired her out- obviously!!!

Ah well – lunch was lovely!


Tip: Nanny’s always carry some crayons and stickers in the boot of the car, even if they do let go of the lead!



57 thoughts on “How to be an Irresponsible Dog Owner.. oops!

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  1. Lol lol lol!!! Oh dear, dog has its day and it sounds like Dolly certainly had hers! Very lucky no animal has hurt in the making of this post..cows are terrifying! Still, alls well that ends well – late night laughter, done. Thank you very much 🙂 x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She certainly did – and .. we met some horses on the way back down and she would’ve had it in for them too if I hadn’t kept a very tight hold on that ‘cute pink lead’!! It was bizarre – her ‘wolf’ instinct definitely appeared.. Cheeky little minx! x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Much hilarity at your weekend outing. Cows can be a bit grumpy (but who can blame them. However, that’s another story and not this one). Dolly sounds like a real little character with plenty of sass in the tank for animals just slightly larger than herself. That will teach you to hang onto the lead, but then you would have missed all the fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Barbara – I can see you share my sense of humour (just not sure hubby did!!.. hehe).. We passed to horses down in the next field and she was ‘raring to go’ again!! It was definitely a case of ‘Dolly cutie pie – Wolf dressed in sheeps clothing’ yesterday!! A great day though you’re right – lots of ‘post event’ laughs! x


    1. Thanks Mr PPP – your right – I have a lovely family.. How’s that for a piece of good luck! Glad I could put a smile on your face today and hope the rest of the week goes brilliantly! x

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  3. Oh, how I laughed. Thanks Wendy, you created such a visual story and I couldn’t help relating because that’s exactly what my Harry would do. All innocent and cute looking but if I drop my lead (intentional or not) he’s off like a rocket! Dolly had a good day out 🙂 Thanks for the smiles my friend. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome and so glad I could put a smile on your face on this lovely morning… Yep – Dolly is very tired after her monstrous behaviour yesterday… She’s recouping her energy for her next adventure!! It could be a film… ‘When Harry met Dolly’… Yikes – not sure it would end well!! haha xx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I LOVE Dolly! She has ambition. Misplaced, perhaps, but still! Anyway, these things happen, right? I worked with a Health Visitor who would cheerfully tell parents that she once lost her granddaughter in IKEA, which she really had done, just to let them know that ‘stuff happens’ to us all! Maybe hubby should be gifted a Superman outfit for Christmas though…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha – hilarious – thanks so much for your comment which I’m laughing at right now! Your right – what a great idea – I was wondering what to get him for Xmas!! – perfect… xx

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Phew – it’s a good job otherwise you may have been called as a witness or as part of the ‘prosecution’ for encouraging my bad behaviour.. which if you hadn’t already guessed really shouldn’t be encouraged!! hahaa xxx

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Its funny and interesting and lot of fun read. I do love doggies and had so many in the past, but don’t have one right now. But I enjoy my children’s pets. One has three Bengal cats and one has two dogs. Nice article. Thanks 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you enjoyed reading this post.. it gave me much amusement writing it too! Dolly has looked very ‘guilty and subdued’ all day today! Pet’s are a lovely enhancement to our lives and I’m so glad you are able to have the benefit from your families pets! x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks. I someone who gets too attached to animals. So now I prefer not to have a pet although I do miss one as I am living alone. My sons are adults and now I like to just close the door and go, not worry if my pet is alone and so on …I have been tied to the family so much so have chosen not to have the responsibility of even a pet. But I have a lot of birds as I live next to the bush, they keep me busy and also Possums are here now with their babies as its Spring here in Aussie. So glad to have come across you. I see that you are a very lively and a very positive personality 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are right, pets can be restrictive because you can’t just ‘leave the house’ and be free to do what you please. For you, it sounds like you live in an amazing space with wonderful sights of nature all around and I can completely understand why you are choosing to focus on yourself at this time.. whilst still being able to enjoy the animals with the restrictions pets bring! Thanks so much for linking with me as I know we will enjoy our blogging journeys together.. Very much appreciated! x

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I am going to set one up very soon so I’ll let you know when I do and I am honoured to be include in your ‘select few’ list! Thankyou!! Have a good night’s sleep.. speak soon x

            Liked by 1 person

  6. I read this yesterday and am still laughing. I’m SURE you didn’t “drop the lead.” You would never do that. I’m sure the darned thing slipped right out of your hand…like those pesky speeding tickets…right? It’s not you; it’s the car! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ABSOLUTELY Karen – as if I’d be so stupid to just think ‘Oh I can let go of the lead while I shut this big farm gate’… Obviously I would NEVER do something so ridiculous… I’m sure they rig the ‘speed cameras’ too or sometimes the accelerator pedal seems to have a mind of it’s own…. and my foot loses all control… hahaha! I’m so glad you recognise that it couldn’t possibly have been me!!!…… and I’m sure you’ve never had a speeding ticket either have you? x

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  7. We understand each other perfectly. It’s the pedal. Every single time…which brings me to your last sentence up there…and I’m sure you’ll keep this just between us, but, yes, two. NEITHER WERE MY FAULT! But you knew that….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do Sumith and I am SO grateful and appreciative of the love and laughter that they bring into my life! With 2 sons, I don’t get away with very much without being ‘teased’! .. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I (and Dolly) accept the follow with pride! Dolly is certainly feeling very proud of herself following her weekend escapade! Yep – she is definitely a very naughty Diva… I didn’t add in the post that as we continued down the hill past 2 horses chilling out in a field, she turned back into a ferocious monster but I managed to keep hold of her lead VERY tightly so avoided further ‘mishaps’! … Thanks to you and ‘Bean’ of course for following our blog.. x

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You definitely have a flair for writing! I was reading and laughing and my Significant Other had to know why… so I read him the story. 😄 Pets can be a real source of laughter, we’ve had our fun times with our Sam (died early this summer, 15 and a half year-old pooch rescued from the pound 14 years ago). I have occasionally been irresponsible too so I promised your secret about letting go of the lead is safe with me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fabulous thanks Joelle – What lovely feedback and I’m delighted it made you smile… although I’m not exaggerating when I say hubby had a ‘white face’.. it was a heart stopping yet hilarious scene to witness! It’s so hard to lose a dog after so many years – they really do become part of the family. When our other dog died at age 16, we were devastated and thank goodness we still had Dolly to make us laugh! Thanks for keeping my secret safe.. xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely – she can be a bit ‘grumpy’ with other dogs on occasion but I never expected the ‘devil’.. yep – always expect the unexpected with dogs and in life! Clearly Dolly would admire Vinny but she may give him a sneaky ‘nip’ too! x

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  9. What a great story. Really had me hooked all the way. Dolly is a cutie pie, but we know not to let that fool ya! LOL! Really enjoyed this post. Thanks, for sharing.

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