Are You Afraid Of The Problem Or The Solution?

As you may know, I attended The Power To Achieve Seminar a couple of weeks ago and one of the messages that really hit home for me was this… Is it The Problem or The Solution that stops me moving forward?

This video clip of Andy Harrington, is a brilliant illustration of how those ‘blocks’ impact on our lives and how it’s often the solution that holds us back and not the problem itself.. We often fear making the changes that we need to make!

If you are interested in getting a copy of Andy Harrington’s free book, here’s the link. I would definitely recommend getting a copy – it’s got some real golden nuggets in there! This is an affiliate link but genuinely – as you can see from the video clip, it’s definitely worth obtaining your free copy!




20 thoughts on “Are You Afraid Of The Problem Or The Solution?

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  1. Tricky one. It depends on the situation. Say you have a new kitchen fitted, you want to change it when it’s old and tatty and thus a problem. So you rip it out and realised the walls behind the torn is full of holes. So the solution became the new problem. Just an example 🙊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha – great example Mr P…and oh yep – those ‘holes’ are a problem… but only because I was trying to be a cheapskate in the first place … I was afraid of the real solution which would have been to rip the kitchen out and start again because of the ‘cost’… in the end, being afraid of the solution held me back… and so the Universe took matters into it’s own hands and forced me down the solution route anyway… if you get my drift…. (rambling – hehe..)

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      1. I’m sure it’s worth the experience. We need to go through stages of disorder before we get stuff sorted. And later you will laugh about it and have interesting stories to tell. Ramble on 🤣

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  2. The answer to your title question up there is a resounding “yes.” I agree we often find that fear steps in our path and we tend to back away when we KNOW we can do differently (or better). Thanks for the book offer. 🙂

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    1. I’ve definitely done this myself over the years Karen.. I’m about to take a leap into the unknown and won’t be able to ‘scuttle back’ …. so hopefully I’ll achieve a better outcome! You’re very welcome re the book .. x

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  3. Hmm, this is really interesting and thought provoking. I think the answer to your question from me is a big fat ‘yes’. As you know I’ve been ‘stuck’ for awhile but I’m trying, ever so slowly, to remove those blocks and move forward. Fear can be do crippling but I guess it needn’t be. Great video, he’s very animated and engaging. Thanks for sharing with us Wendy. xo

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    1. I definitely recognise that I’ve been doing that and with my work situation particularly Miriam.. Yep.. one step at a time removing the blocks and then ‘chunking’ down some of the solutions so they don’t seem quite so momentous to achieve is key.. I’m glad you enjoyed the video.. the whole weekend was pretty well like that! xx

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  4. Wendy! Unfortunately I could not see the video cause of net problem.
    This is interesting.
    Problems are there and to those certain Solutions are also there. So in the first place why shall come the Afraid part.
    Afraid or fear is independent, or it should be so. If we do not fear at all and think there are Solutions to every Problem and vice versa. The matter ends. Things shall go smoothly. “Look fear into its eyes and it shall fear you and shall not come near you”
    Oh! Wendy that can become a quote. I think I shall add it in My Quotes.
    What do you think?

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    1. Oh what a shame.. I’m sorry you can’t see the video Shiva.. However, you’ve got it spot on and I love your new quote.. I’ve printed it out and will be reminding myself of it daily.. “Look Fear in the eye and it shall fear you and not come near you!” – perfect! x

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      1. Wendy! To add one more line – if we are afraid, we are afraid of the Problem or afraid of no solutions, so that makes one afraid. Afraid , Problem and Solution are all independent but get connected soon when we want.
        “Leaving the Problem to the Solution is the best Option.”

        See one more Quote, hahaha

        Let me up date the the line of the Quote.

        “Look Fear in it’s Eyes and it shall Fear You and not come near You”

        Is that OK?

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          1. Wendy! You added some more inspiration to my endeavours by this comment. Most times I go on commenting on posts of Blogger friends and sometimes a Jewel like statement is formed, be it a continuation of their poetry or a poem of my own on their posts or some quote or something that is valuable to All. I myself will be wonder stuck.
            So, I would like to start a Column like thing and create a new Menu for that and Post those Posts of Blogger friends along with my Comment, they are so many in number. How do you like about the idea?
            My Love to all your Kids and Great Kids
            Have a nice Sunday

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          2. I think that’s a brilliant idea Shiva. I’ve actually had people occasionally comment on the interesting and lovely ‘comments’ they’ve read and thought that sometimes the seem ‘wasted’ hidden away. I love your idea! I look forward to seeing it in due course and in the meantime, I hope you have a brilliant day too Shiva! x

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