1 Great Way to Feel Happier

  • What you focus on is what you get, so if you are only noticing the ‘rubbish’ it may be that you need to take another look from a different angle and look for something beautiful instead!


By making a conscious decision to pay attention to the beauty in the world and people around you, you will start to experience more beautiful things in your life.  

Sometimes when we are feeling low or depressed, the world we inhabit seems grey and miserable and we end up in a ‘spiral of decline’….

The more we notice ‘rubbish’, the more ‘rubbish’ there appears to be in our lives until we reach a point where… ‘everything is rubbish’…

It may be a flower, a kind word, a loving gesture that when you were focussing on the ‘negative’, you may have missed.

Have you ever bought a new car and then when you go out, it seems that nearly every other car on the road is the same as yours? – Yep – it’s definitely a case of what you focus on you notice more of, so make sure you’re focussing on the flowers and not the weeds in the garden of your world…


You can also read more about ‘changing perspectives’ to improve your relationships in one of my earlier posts… https://brilliancewithin.com/2016/03/12/are-thoughts-damaging-relationships/

Are you smelling the roses? I’d love to know – leave me a comment below.. Thanks so much! x




20 thoughts on “1 Great Way to Feel Happier

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  1. So very true Wendy. I was out in my garden earlier this week and noticing the small and the beautiful things. Just trying to stay mindful. This is such a wonderful post and lovely reminders on focusing on the positives. xo

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    1. It’s lovely to hear from you Miriam and it’s amazing how much pleasure we can gain when we just take the time to stop and look with more focus at the things that are right under our noses! I’m glad your managing some time to ‘stop and smell the roses’ .. it will help I’m sure! Take care xxx

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  2. After reading this, I suddenly feel like I’m the unhappy one, not the situation around me. I do hope this isn’t true because I love to be happy and full of fun. Thanks for this realization though. Now, I can be conscious to be happy always.

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    1. If you love to be happy and full of fun then I’m sure you are! Sometimes though people get fixed on looking at the world negatively and it is often ‘how’ we look at a situation or a person – if we change the perspective the picture may look very different. I’m sure you’re definitely not ‘the unhappy one’… thanks for reading and commenting – much appreciated and it’s great to meet you! x

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